This event is dedicated to the aspiring enterpreneurs to showcase their business ideas.
Summary & Facts
- Date: 7th April 2023
- Time: 3 pm to 5 pm
- Venue: Lecture Hall 1, MBA
- Total No Of Team Members: Max 2
- Registration fees:Free
- Exciting Prizes Worth: Cash Prize, Momento and Certificate of Appreciation
Major objective of organizing this event is to provide the platform and unleash the potential of the students by showcasing their innovative business idea based on various Problem around us and provide an opportunity for the students to demonstrate their learning experience. Unique and innovative ideas will be presented in this event.
Details Of Event
- Participants need to submit the PPT and the Business Plan report to the respective coordinator, need to present the financial valuation of the business and every aspect of the business.
Rules for the event are:
- Either One student /Two students group
- No person can be a part of multiple teams for this event.
- Participants must make sure their PPT is properly displayed.
- Pre- Submission of your PPT is required
- Participants presenting videos must make sure Video Should be of minimum 2 minutes (or max 5 min)
- Pre- Submission of your Video is required
Event Structure
- This event consist of only 1 round.
- All respective teams have to demonstrated their business ideas in front of judges.
- Present your idea with proper explanation & answer the questions asked by judges.
Parameters of Judging
- Knowledge of participants about theory involved and presentation.
- Innovativeness and Originality.
- Practical Utility to Society
- Commercial Potential, Environmental Care and User Friendliness
Contact here to Coordinator of event
- Name: Vaishnavi Khandare
- Contact No: 9373002403