श्री संत गाडगे महाराज अमरावती विद्यापीठ द्वारा आयोजीत                   राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना
श्री संत गजानन महाराज अभियांत्रिकी महाविद्यालय - 444203 जि. - बुलढाणा


  • To understand the community in which they work.
    To understand themselves in relation to their community .
    To identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving.
    To develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.
    To utilize their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems.
    To  gain skills in mobilizing community participation.
    To acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes
    To develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and practice national integration and social harmony.

  • Badges.

    The NSS Symbol is embossed on the badge. The eight bars in the wheel represent the 24 hours of a day. The red colour indicates that the volunteer is full of young blood that is lively, active, energetic and full of high spirit. The navy blue colour indicates the cosmos of which the NSS is tiny part, ready to contribute its share for the welfare of the mankind.

  • Events published in government website



NSS Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College Of Engineering .
Khamgaon Road
Shegaon Pin Code 444203